
Buckhead Mid-Atlantic Product Guide

We are proud to finally unveil our new website. As you can see, the design and layout has completely changed improving functionality. With easy, intuitive controls, you can now navigate our site to find the latest information on products, industry trends and current market conditions. We invite you to take a tour and let us know what you think. Look for more great changes in the coming months as we continue to enhance the site's capabilities. 

I also want to take a moment to thank all of the people that made this project possible. Our Metropolitan team; Brian, BJ, Kristen, Melanie, Scott, Sharon, Tracy and the entire staff.  Our vendors; their support was instrumental in putting this together. Last but certainly not the least; Spinutech. They were amazing during the entire process. They exemplify the kind of company that we want to associate ourselves with; customer driven. Thank You!

Steven Kohan
Director of Sales & Marketing